Monday, March 30, 2009

Kayla has been wanting rain boots forever. The ones she wanted were Hello Kitty and $25.00 even at Target. Well, I thought that was ridiculous for rain boots, so Mommy went online:-) I found this adorable set on sale for $24.99 or something like that with a little more for the umbrella:-) So she was upset she had to wait but thrilled when her stuff came to the house in a "brown box". (During the wait, I kept telling her that her stuff was coming right to the house, to the very front door, in a brown box.)

Upon its arrival, we had a brief tiff over the fact that yes-you-do-wear-socks-with-rain boots!!!, but then she gladly donned socks and put on the whole outfit. She's looking forward to the next [safe] rainstorm where she can wear her outfit and go puddle-stomping:-) And I have to be honest; I AM TOO!

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The deVilleneuves said...

I want to see pictures of the puddle stomping of BOTH OF YOU! It is a cute outfit, and I like the lesson of waiting for something good to come! Very cool all around!

And, yes, they wear socks in rainboots (or "rubbers") even in OREGON!

The deVilleneuves said...

I want to see pictures of the puddle stomping of BOTH OF YOU! It is a cute outfit, and I like the lesson of waiting for something good to come! Very cool all around!

And, yes, they wear socks in rainboots (or "rubbers") even in OREGON!

The deVilleneuves said...

I want to see pictures of the puddle stomping of BOTH OF YOU! It is a cute outfit, and I like the lesson of waiting for something good to come! Very cool all around!

And, yes, they wear socks in rainboots (or "rubbers") even in OREGON!

The deVilleneuves said...

I want to see pictures of the puddle stomping of BOTH OF YOU! It is a cute outfit, and I like the lesson of waiting for something good to come! Very cool all around!

And, yes, they wear socks in rainboots (or "rubbers") even in OREGON!

The deVilleneuves said...

whatever...I just hit the back arrow and now you have a ton of comments! Some of us are so DARN Illiterate!